The Drippers – Scandinavian Thunder

The Drippers – Scandinavian Thunder
Release Date: 10th December 2021
Label: The Sign Records
Genre: Garage Rock, Rock N’ Roll.
FFO: Backyard Babies, Hellacopters, Motorhead, Turbonegro.
Review By: Paul Franklin

You must have all been there. 
Popping into the pub for a ‘quick’ drink after work, several hours later you’re still there. It’s getting late, you need to be up early in the morning, and you have reached that critical level of intoxication where a little fresh air will clear your head, and all your limbs are still mostly under your control. You know you should go. You are ready, pick up your things and say your goodbyes. Then it happens. Someone asks the fateful question, “Fancy another?” 

Your immediate future now splits into two paths. Answer “No” and the path is one of sensible maturity and a certain self-satisfaction in having made the ‘responsible’ decision. On the other hand, answer “Yes” and the path will be one that undulates beneath your feet, as you stagger along it swaying from side to side, spilling beer and trying unsuccessfully to avoid the potholes of bad decisions and the dollops of dropped sweaty kebab meat and chilli sauce. You will however be wearing the shit-eating grin of one who has eradicated all thoughts of a ‘morning after’ and is living gleefully in the moment.

How does this relate to the latest album from The Drippers, well, Scandinavian Thunder is the raucous soundtrack that accompanies your journey along the ‘Yes’ path. As soon as that single word leaves your lips, this trio simultaneously grab you by the scruff of the neck and kick you up the arse.

Whether it’s the hyperactive slam of 5 Day Blues (2 Day Boogie), the motorbike engine revving that announces the Motorhead-esque Overload, or the rock ‘n’ roll sensibilities of Racing Down a Dead End, every track elbows it way out of the speakers with the single-minded determination of fighting through a crowded bar to get another round in before the time bell rings. Time for Some Action sounds like it’s being played with flaming toilet paper grasped between hairy buttocks, whilst Shit Island Showdown gets right up in your face with some good old-fashioned rock ‘n’ roll boogie.

The Drippers follow in the beer stained footsteps of their Scandi peers and, in a beautiful oxymoron, would be both the best and the worst neighbours you could possibly ask for. Just say “Yes!” and embrace the hangover!

4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)

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