Live Review: Delain + Xandria @ Academy 2, Manchester

Special Guests: Xandria
Venue: Academy 2, Manchester
Date: 21st April 2023.
Review By: Mark Young

Hoping that the fine weather we have had recently holds up, we make our way to the Academy 2 in Manchester once more for a night of musical promise. It’s Friday, and we have two bands on tonight, Xandria and headliners Delain. Both sit within the symphonic metal genre and Xandria have recently released their 8th album whilst Delain has their 7th with Dark Waters too.


Xandria seem to have as many fans in the Academy as the headliners, as they to the stage and launch into a tight set of up-tempo rockers which get the crowd going. Each member knows how to work the stage and vocalist Ambre Vourvahis unveils a stunning range to her singing which really lifts the place up. This is one of the things about seeing a band live, sometimes the energy on record is lost, but here there is an energy, and they sound great. 

If there is a downside, it is the size of the stage as it looks congested, but they ignore it and just deliver a cracking set that is duly lapped up by the crowd.

Special shout out to Ambre Vourvahis, who just nailed it, note perfect with some operatic moments whilst continually engaging the crowd to keep up, exceptional stuff.
4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)


With the appetite whetted, the audience are now ready for Delain to take the stage. With an almost Conan-like introduction (think how that main theme builds) getting the crowd ready to move, they hit the stage and deliver what could only be described as an epic set, taking the crowd on a journey though the bands history. 

Diana Leah provides another stunning vocal performance that doesn’t lose clarity or power as the night runs on. The band, in fact everyone on that stage, look to be having the best time, and it comes out in their performance, with each member on point. With the addition of the keys, this just gives Delain that extra oomph in how it sounds, and the band are tight. This is not to take anything away from Xandria, but it just sounds larger, if that makes sense. 

I made sure to check the band out from the back of the packed room and nothing was lost, vocals, guitar still packing a powerful punch. Again, I must shout out on the performance of Diana Leah, who was superb. Hers was powerful, controlled and at times magnificent.
4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

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