Defects – Modern Error

Defects – Modern Error
Release Date:
24th May 2024
Label: Mascot Records
Genre: Metalcore, Melodic Deathcore.
FFO: Born Of Osiris, Lamb Of God, Alleviate, Veil Of Maya, Whitechapel.
Review By: Metal Miguel

On May 24, 2024, UK metallers Defects will unleash their deeply personal debut album, “Modern Error,” via Mascot Records. This album marks a significant milestone for the band, composed of Tony Maue (vocals), Luke Genders (guitar), James Threadwell (guitar), David Silver (bass), and Harry Jennings (drums), as they channel their collective experiences into a raw and powerful metalcore masterpiece. Since forming, Defects have quickly established themselves as a formidable force in the metal community. With their profound and heartfelt music, they’ve earned spots at major festivals like Download (UK), Graspop (BE), Rockharz (DE), and Rock The Lakes (CH). They’ve also secured a place on Orbit Culture’s “Descending Into Madness” tour, taking them through the UK and Europe, spreading their sonic intensity far and wide.

Modern Error” is not just an album; it’s a cathartic journey through the traumas and tribulations faced by the band, particularly by frontman Tony Maue. Maue, who was taken into care at a young age, and uses this album as a vessel to process his past. Songs like “Scapegoat,” “Goliath,” and “Echo Chamber” explore his familial relationships from different perspectives, while “Recurring” delves into the mental loops of dealing with trauma. Maue’s approach to songwriting is straightforward and honest. “I use songwriting as a tool to vent rather than be poetic,” he explains, reflecting the raw emotion that permeates the album. This authenticity resonates throughout the tracks, making “Modern Error” a deeply impactful listening experience, which can be missed by the occasional listener.

The band members each bring their own stories and struggles, adding layers of depth to the music. Jennings, for instance, shares how he found a renewed passion for music after a dark period in his life. Genders highlights the freedom and trust within the band that allowed him to channel his negativity into powerful instrumental contributions. Musically, “Modern Error” combines the heaviness and aggression of bands like Lamb Of God and The Interbeing with the melodic sensibilities of Born of Osiris, and the boldness of Bring Me The Horizon. The title track discusses environmental degradation, while “Another Heart To Bleed” addresses bad relationships, and “End of Days” critiques societal greed. “Dream Awake” tackles the entrapment of digital reality, and the new single “Lockdown” deals with the mental challenges posed by the pandemic, showcasing some of Maue’s favourite lyrics for their raw frustration towards governmental policies.

At its core, “Modern Error” is about resilience and self-belief. They are encouraging listeners to give themselves a break and acknowledge that it’s okay to have bad days. The journey from feeling worthless to recognizing your inherent goodness and worth is a powerful narrative that underscores the album. “Bad things happen to good people, and you must find a way to make life worth living,”. Defects’Modern Error” is a staggering debut that combines profound personal themes with relentless musical power. It’s an album that challenges and uplifts, offering a message of hope and self-acceptance. For fans of metalcore or deathcore, and anyone who appreciates music with depth and intensity, “Modern Error” is an essential listen, set to leave a lasting impact on the metal world.

4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

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